Permaculture Plants for the PNW
Cloud Mountain Farm Center & Nursery
in Everson, WA
September 28, 2024
1PM - 4PM
"Discover 50 permaculture plants for our region and their many uses. See how to incorporate these plants into your site design with real-life examples of thriving landscapes and farms. Diversifying your plantings will increase your landscape or farm’s resiliency, helping prepare for a harsher climate. Join Mary and Andrew on a plant walk around the farm and nursery to see some of their favorite plants up close and learn about design strategies for both beauty and productivity."
Enhancing Farm Education
and Online Agritourism
at the Evergreen State Fair Grounds
in Monroe, WA
November 6th, 2024
Learn about new tools and strategies you can use to tell your farm's story, reach a wider audience online, and strengthen farm education programs. Edge Perma uses advanced technology to develop virtual farm experiences, making farm education more accessible. Gain an understanding of why these methods of site documentation can benefit local farmers and connect more consumers with farms. Leave this session with a list of affordable drones, cameras, and software programs you can utilize right away to expand your reach.
Permaculture Education Technology - Drones, 3D Mapping, and Regenerative Careers
June 26th, 2023
Join us as we discuss:
- Virtual Farm Tour Presentation
- The Gear and the Services of Digital Permaculture Education
- How Permaculture Can Help Veterans
- Developing Your Regenerative Career Path
Renerative Agriculture
December 7th, 2022
In this interactive virtual discussion, we cover best practices for utilizing drones to better understand and manage healthy landscapes.
During the event you'll learn...
- How drones and 360 cameras are creating value on farmland and rangeland
- Best practices for mapping and 3D-modeling flights in forests
- Use case and examples from nonprofits, NGOs and the agriculture industry.
October 22nd, 2022
Using drones and virtual reality in permaculture design and regenerative farm education. Learn about new tools software designers and instructors can use to enhance design work and in their education curriculum.